How the freeze-dryer works

Configuration: The freeze-dryer should be installed in a well-ventilated area that is neither too hot nor too cold. Ideal operating room temperatures for the freeze-dryer are between 10 and 24 degrees Celsius. A little warmer or colder doesn’t matter, these are just the ideal temperatures. The freeze-dryer should not be built into a corner or cupboard, but should have space to “breathe”, so to speak, on either side, to prevent overheating of the pump, electronics and refrigeration components. The freeze-dryer must be able to drain the water removed from your food at the end of the batch. Water cannot drain off properly if the freeze-dryer is placed on the floor. For proper drainage, make sure the freeze-dryer is installed on a horizontal surface at least 1 meter above the ground, with the drainage pipe falling vertically from the freeze-dryer (and not resting horizontally on the same surface as the freeze-dryer).

Settings: For food, the factory settings on the Home Freeze Dryer are all ready to use and shouldn’t need adjusting (although you’re free to experiment). For sweets, we recommend setting the tray or shelf temperature limit to 65 degrees Celsius. For pharmaceutical products, it is generally preferable to set the shelf temperature at around 7 degrees Celsius, although experimentation is probably required to obtain the exact temperature for the desired results for each specific pharmaceutical product. If you find that a certain type of food is not finished at the end of the process, you can add extra drying time at the end of the cycle. The next time you freeze-dry this food, you may want to go into your settings and add extra drying time beforehand. If you find that a certain type of food requires extra freezing time, you may want to consider adding extra freezing time to that type of batch beforehand next time. For more information on candy mode, watch this video: https: //

A note on candy: The Harvest Right freeze-dryer was originally designed for food preservation and storage. In recent years, freeze-dried sweets have become very popular with customers and consumers alike. Harvest Right did its best to create a software program that would help candy makers achieve better candy results and faster turnaround times. How to activate this program on our latest software version is described step by step in the video linked to the previous paragraph( The freeze-drying process is designed to remove water from food. Some foods don’t freeze-dry well, such as chocolate and foods rich in oil or fat. Similarly, some candies do not freeze-dry well due to the structure and ingredients of the candy, and the difficulty of removing water from different substances and structures. Often, there’s nothing functionally wrong with the freeze dryer, or any of its parts, and yet a certain type or brand of candy doesn’t dry or puff up as desired. Unfortunately, we don’t have all the answers as to the specific settings, or preparation tips, for each type of candy, however, we’ll always do our best to help in any way we can. In return, we ask customers to take the time to research and experiment with different sweets to discover what works best for them in their unique circumstances.

Food preparation : The aim of freeze-drying is to remove water from food. Keep this in mind when preparing your food trays, and ask yourself: how can I prepare this food so that the water can escape easily? For items like blueberries, which have a consistent skin on the outside, it is necessary to drill holes in the skin or cut the berries in half to create a means for water to escape during the freeze-drying process. In general, cutting your food items into small, single-layer slices is the best way to set yourself up for success in freeze-drying. Each item must touch the tray to dry properly, so don’t stack your food on top of each other. Another good rule of thumb is not to let your food protrude over the edge of the tray, especially for items with a high water content such as fruit, vegetables, liquids, etc. The more food you put into the freeze-dryer, the more water will have to be removed from the food, and the longer the batch will take. Smaller batches that finish in half the time are easier on my freeze-dryer (and vacuum pump) and provide dry, consistent results as opposed to doubling the feed quantity and processing time while risking inconsistent results.

Cleaning: After each batch, it’s important to clean your freeze-dryer. This includes cleaning the trays, cleaning the inside of the chamber, cleaning the vacuum pump oil filter (if you have an oil pump), and cleaning the condenser. To clean the trays, simply use hot, soapy water. To clean the inside of the chamber, use a damp cloth with warm soapy water. To clean the vacuum pump oil filter, follow the instructions in the following video: https: // To clean the condenser, make sure the freeze-dryer is switched off and unplugged, then remove the side panel to gain access to the condenser. Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to gently remove dust and debris from the condenser. If you have an oil-free vacuum pump, there is no oil filter to clean, but you will need to clean the condenser in the same way.

Maintenance: Maintaining your freeze-dryer is essential to ensure its longevity and optimum performance. This includes changing the vacuum pump oil (if you have an oil pump), cleaning the condenser regularly, and replacing seals and filters as required. To change the vacuum pump oil, follow the instructions in the following video: https: // To clean the condenser, follow the instructions in the “Cleaning” section above. Seals and filters should be inspected regularly for signs of wear, and replaced if necessary. If you have any questions or concerns about the maintenance of your freeze-dryer, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department for assistance.

Troubleshooting: If you encounter any problems with your freeze dryer, the first step is to consult the user manual and online troubleshooting resources. If you can’t find a solution, please contact our customer service department for assistance. We’re here to help you solve any problems you may encounter with your freeze-dryer.

Tips and tricks :

  1. Pre-freezing: For items with a high water content, such as fruit, vegetables and liquids, it may be useful to pre-freeze them before placing them in the freeze-dryer. This can reduce total freeze-drying time and improve the quality of the finished product.
  2. Even distribution: Make sure food is evenly distributed on the trays to ensure even drying. Stacked or tightly packed food may not dry properly.
  3. Temperature monitoring: Monitor chamber and tray temperatures during the freeze-drying process. Temperatures that are too high or too low can affect the quality of the finished product.
  4. Regular maintenance: Perform regular maintenance, including cleaning and replacing worn parts, to keep your freeze-dryer in good working order.
  5. Experimentation: Feel free to experiment with different foods and settings to find out what works best for your specific needs.


  1. How long does a freeze-drying cycle last?
    • Cycle times vary according to the type and quantity of food, and the specific parameters used. In general, a cycle can last from 20 to 40 hours.
  2. Can I freeze-dry liquids?
    • Yes, liquids can be freeze-dried, but they must be pre-frozen and placed in appropriate containers to avoid spills.
  3. How do I know if the food is completely freeze-dried?
    • Food is completely freeze-dried when it is dry to the touch and shows no sign of moisture. You can also test a small sample to make sure it’s completely dry.
  4. Can I freeze-dry different types of food at the same time?
    • Yes, but it’s important to note that different foods can have different freeze-drying times. It’s best to freeze-dry similar foods together for optimum efficiency.
  5. Do I need to prepare food in a specific way before freeze-drying?
    • Yes, we recommend cutting food into uniform-sized pieces and preparing it in such a way as to facilitate water evaporation. For some foods, such as berries, it may be necessary to pierce or cut them to allow water to escape more easily.

Storage recommendations :

  1. Vacuum packaging: After freeze-drying, we recommend vacuum packaging to extend shelf life and preserve quality.
  2. Dry storage: Keep freeze-dried foods in a cool, dry place to prevent rehydration or spoilage.
  3. Labeling: Clearly label your containers with contents and freeze-drying date for better inventory management.

Troubleshooting :

  1. Vacuum problems: If you experience vacuum problems, check the seals and connections, and make sure the vacuum pump is working properly.
  2. Drying inconsistencies: If some foods are not drying evenly, consider reducing portion sizes or adjusting temperature settings.
  3. Refrigeration problems: If the freeze-dryer is not cooling properly, check the refrigeration system and consult the manual for troubleshooting.

Maintenance :

  1. Cleaning: Regularly clean the inside of the freeze-drying chamber and trays to avoid cross-contamination.
  2. Oil check: Monitor the oil level in the vacuum pump and replace it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  3. Periodic inspections: Carry out periodic inspections to detect any signs of wear or damage, and carry out any necessary repairs.

Additional resources :

  1. Manuals and guides: Consult the manuals and guides supplied with your freeze-dryer for detailed instructions and specific advice.
  2. Technical support: In the event of technical problems, contact technical support for help and advice.
  3. Training courses and workshops: Take part in training courses and workshops to deepen your knowledge and skills in freeze-drying.